On the way to Berlin, the AC on the train wasn't working so it was like sitting in an oven for 5 hours. It was at least 100 degrees, probably more. It was too hot to sleep, but too hot to be conscious, and it was just AWFUL. The only thing to take our mind off the head was the Russian couple across from us who kept asking us questions about our trip, then being incredibly impressed that we were still alive after our numerous adventures.
Once we got off the train in Berlin, the 4pm quarter finals game against Argentina was about to start. As we were getting food in the food court, the first goal was scored and the crazy German World Cup fever was palpable...
Throughout the Berlin train station, there were info screens displaying the current score. When we got on the train, the conductor would make an announcement on the PA system every time Germany scored...I know this not because I speak German, but because his announcements were met with cheers. When we got off the train in Hannover, Jenni met us with the news that Germany beat Argentina 4-0!
On the way to Nick's apartment, we were met with ridiculous traffic because of the spontaneous street party. There were people running around in the streets with German flags, hanging out of car windows waving flags and drinking beer, standing up in sun roofs and cheering, riding in open trunks, and even riding on top of cars. It was RIDICULOUS.
Photos of Germany being awesome:
Oh how I so wish I were there instead of celebrating in front of my TV by myself!